
Sunday Services


9:30 AM


3:00 PM
What to expect

Worship Service

Opening Blessing & Greeting

Taken from the word.


Songs that are sung are taken from either the Psalms or other parts of Scripture that have been put to music.


Contain praises to God, confession of sin, pleas for pardon and blessing, as well as requests for help, healing and guidance.

Reading & Proclamation of God's Word

This is the heart of the service.


The services concludes with a closing pronouncement of blessing benediction which is also taken from the word. The liturgy in these services is based on biblical practice and principle.


Part of our worship is to bring a financial gift to God for the benefit of the needy. This work of mercy is overseen by the deacons who use the gifts collected to assist needy members in the congregation or needy persons in the community, whether locally or abroad. Is held and is either for the work done by the deacons among the needy or for some other worthy cause in God's church kingdom.


The sacrament of Baptism is administered from time to time. As soon as it is feasible, parents request to have their newborn child baptized.

Lord's Supper

Usually celebrated every two or three months. The frequency and the manner of this celebration is determined by the church council.