
The spiritual leadership of our church is governed by the following three official offices:

Minister (Pastor)

The minister preaches the Word and teaches. He administers the sacraments and visits those in need, to assist and to encourage them.


The elders make certain that the preaching is sound, that the sacraments are properly administered, and that families and individuals conduct themselves properly in doctrine and in life, according to the gospel. The minister and the elders together form the consistory.

The elders are each directly responsible for a group of members within the church. The elders, in pairs, visit each family in the congregation on an annual basis (at minimum) to discuss their spiritual life and walk before the Lord.


The deacons see to it that the love of Christ is displayed so that no one lives uncomforted under the pressure of sickness, loneliness, and poverty. Together with the elders and the minister, the deacons provide direction and supervision for the church’s affairs.